What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a birth preparation course.

It is designed to give you tools to use in labour and birth to help you go from scared to prepared. It will give you an understanding of what happens to your body and why, allowing you to feel in control, remain calm and approach your baby’s birth with confidence. It is effectively a science lesson.

Hypnobirthing will allow you to make informed decisions and embrace intervention, whilst implementing breath work, mindfulness and visualisation.

Trusting and believing in your body will help you see your birth as a positive experience and witness first hand it’s capabilities. Hypnobirthing reprogrammes your brain and will help you change any negative perceptions surrounding birth, to a positive and empowering life changing event.

The “Hypno” aspect of hypnobirthing is something we experience every day. For example, zoning out throughout the day or right before we fall asleep. It is not being out of control e.g. being hypnotised and dancing around like a chicken. It is disconnecting from distractions, focussing your mind elsewhere and allowing your body to be deeply relaxed. For birth, this enables you to embrace the powerful sensations that are happening in your body, allowing your labour to be more comfortable.

Having a positive mindset, reading birth affirmations, and listening daily to the provided MP3s, will help you achieve this.

Labour and birth is unpredictable. However, hypnobirthing will provide you with techniques and tools to stay relaxed, focussed and calm.

Believe in your birth. Believe in your body. Believe in you!